
Monday, March 15, 2010

Florida Bloom Day - 33 varieties for March!

Lots of beautiful flowers are popping out this month!  Take a look...
 Above photo from upper left to lower right:  Cestrum aurantiacum, Surinam Cherry, Cherry Laurel, Peach, Oxalis, Dianthus, Petunia, Loropetalum.

Above photo from upper left to lower right:  Oncidium, vandaceous orchid, Impatiens, Shrimp plant, Formosa azalea, Red Formosa azalea, Camellia japonica, Knock-Out rose.

Above photo from upper left to lower right:  Russelia, Caesalpinia mexicana, Bush daisy, Bletilla, Kalanchoe, Brunfelsia, Spiderwort, garden pea.

Above photo clockwise from upper left:  Flatwoods plum, Ilex vomitoria, Glycosmis.
And then we have some bromeliads: 

Above photo upper left to lower right:  Billbergia, Aechmea apocalyptica, Quesnelia testudo, Billbergia windii, Aechmea distichantha, Vresia.

Thanks to May Dreams Gardens for hosting the monthly Garden Bloggers Bloom Day! 


  1. You have so many beauties in bloom ...really like your camellia and your bromeliads are fantastic.

  2. Wow. You have so many blooms! I must admit, I'm just a little green with envy. I'm still looking for evidence of life in most of my plants. Thanks for reminding me what is surely soon to come.

  3. Beautiful blooms! That reminds us that spring is really coming...

    Especially love your camellia (oh, that bi-color!) and the bromeliads!

  4. I have much garden envy after viewing this! In the usual manner in which I cope with envy, I'm telling myself you have a much larger property to work with. I'll bet it's more than ten feet behind the pool lanai, twenty feet on each side of the house, and a modest front yard encumbered by a fifteen-foot utility ROW. Wow, I whine a lot!

    Anyway, do you know of a nursery that sells Bletilla? I heard of this hardy orchid last year but have been unable to locate any. My Spathoglottis are fried every year, and it takes them FOREVER to return.

  5. aloha,

    you have alot of beautiful blooms coming from your garden today and it looks like alot of sweet smelling blooms also...thanks for sharing....i love the last section on the broms, lots of amazing colors!

  6. Lots of beautiful blooms in your garden on this lovely March day. I love your flatwoods plum--such a gorgeous delicate bloom.

  7. In spite of being insanely jealous of all your absolutely gorgeous blooms, I'm very happy for you:)

    This post was filled with so much beauty. Thanks for sharing.

