
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bloom Day - July

The summer heat is here and blooms are bustin' out all over!
Today we'll start by looking at some bromeliads:

Neomea Popcorn, Aechmea fasciata
Aechmea Burgundy, Neomea Strawberry
Portea petropolitana, Aechmea miniata

Neoregelia carolinae, Neo olens
Neo farinosa roseastriata, Neo Sheba
Neo spectabilis, Neo Tangerine

Nidularium leprosa, Neo Lila
Neo olens Vulcan x Oeser, Neo compacta x camorimiana

Neo Yellow Devil, Neo Fireball x chlorostichta
Neo Angel Face, Vresia malzinei

Cestrum aurantiacum, C. diurnum
C. nocturnum, Jasminum sambac
J. illicifolium, Lantana
Quisqualis, Pentas

Brugmansia, Tecoma
Ruellia pink, purple
Ruellia red, Bauhinia
Red shrimp, Gold Shrimp

Jewel of Opar, Cereus
Turnera, Russelia
Bush daisy, Duranta
Spiderwort, Plumbago

Passiflora, Clerodendrum paniculatum
C. speciosissimum, C. bungei
Tipuana, Albizzia
Tabernaemontana double, Tab. single

Porterweed blue & coral
Rosa Don Juan & Knock-Out
Jaboticaba, Thevetia
Aloe zebrina, Jacobinia

Plumeria pink, white,
yellow, Jatropha
Periwinkle pink & white
Caesalpinia pulcherrima, C. mexicana

Lots of gingers are starting to bloom but didn't make it into the collages this month.  Come back next month for those!
To see what's blooming in gardens around the world, visit May Dreams Gardens for Garden Blogger's Bloom Day on the 15th of every month.


  1. So many brilliant blooms ... love that double Tabernaemontana ... didn't know there was a double. You have so many flowers that are so familiar to me ... and many more I'd love for my garden.

  2. Jim, you've GOT to be kidding me!! This is a HUGE, BEAUTIFUL line up for July bloom day!! And you use all the proper names. Great identifying tool for those broms...I'm bookmarking this post for future reference. VERY IMPRESSIVE!! This is why you're called Grower Jim!!

  3. That is amazing! What a great assortment of beautiful blooms!

  4. Simply magnificent. Thanks for sharing!!

  5. Wow, that seems to be a complete collection! Love all your broms. Wish my plumeria were blooming. They are alive, post-freeze, and have bushed out nicely again, but no sign of buds yet. Did you protect yours this past winter?

  6. Floridagirl: I don't protect much during the winter but I did protect those Plumerias. The ones left to their own defenses froze to the ground and are just starting to come back.

  7. What an amazing collection!! I especially like all the bromeliads... Larry

  8. Holy crap! You are a tropical botanic wonderland!
