
Friday, August 6, 2010

Creature Feature - Hornworm

This month's Creature Feature is a Hornworm.  Hornworms are often considered to be damaging pests of tomato plants but since this one is feeding on a fast-growing Clerodendrum, I'll leave him be.  As adults, Hornworms are known as Hawk moths or Sphinx moths.

The First Friday Creature Feature is a monthly event with a new creature every month.  Check back next month to find out what other creatures are lurking in my garden!


  1. My he is a juicy one.

    Good photo.

  2. Jim, I was somehow unaware of your monthly creature feature. I'd chime in, if I'd known. I'll try to remember from now on. I've had several "creatures" lately that I've posted about...creepy!
    I like your hornworm. I didn't realize they're so pretty. The patterns on it's back are really cool!

  3. These are really cool catepillars....I had a couple that I thought were going to attack me on my chitalpa tree last year so I left them on....I didn't want to pull them off...didn't have the heart to....but the bats did:)

  4. This bug is very clever at camourflage. Hopefully, its predators can't find it.

  5. What a great idea for a monthly post!
