
Monday, August 2, 2010

Harvest Monday - August

There is plenty of fruit to eat this month.  The first Starfruit of the season fell off the tree.  I can't wait to slice into it!  This is the first of hundreds I will harvest over the next few months.

The summer fruits are coming on strong:  White Sapote, Cattley Guava,
and Persian Limes.
There are also some early Pomegranates and Macadamias.  The Jaboticaba has been producing a few fruits non-stop since late spring.
There is still a good supply of Sweet Lemons and juicy Valencia Oranges even though it is very late for them.
There are a few late Surinam Cherries if you search the trees carefully.  I also picked a banana flower bud this week for a salad.
Due to the heat, there's not much going on in the vegetable garden.  Of course, there's the ever-ready Okinawa Spinach, and a few herbs; Mint, Basil,
Parsley, and Cuban Oregano.

To see what people are harvesting elsewhere, visit Daphne's Dandelions, host site of the Harvest Monday Meme!


  1. I would love to have the more tropical fruits that you are able to grow in your area. Around my region, only a hothouse and pampering will get you any decent citrus and it just seems like too much fussing for me to give serious thought to it - but if I could grow them out of doors like you do I would be all over it!

  2. What beautiful fruit you are harvesting

  3. What beautiful fruits! I have never heard of some of them. It's interesting to see what people grow in warmer zones.

    What does a Starfruit taste like?

  4. Ah to have a heated greenhouse where I could grow such things. I so love the tropical fruits.

  5. You are fortunate to grow them in your backyard. We do some of these but have to take them into our greenhouse in late November.

  6. I am so jealous of all the fruits you are growing! Wow, starfruit is one of my favorites! Yum.

  7. Your tropical fruit harvest is really impressive! I had no idea that all these fruits could be grown "at home." Thanks for sharing your pictures with us!
