
Friday, October 15, 2010

Bloom Day - October 2010

Here's what's blooming now in my garden:

Aechmea winkleri

Canistropsis billbergioides

Nidularium procerum x Aechmea fasciata

Cestrum aurantiacum, Lantana
Clerodendrum speciosissimum, C. paniculatum
Tibouchina grandifolia, Caesalpinia
Gold Shrimp, Duranta

Wedelia, Passiflora
Porterweed-Blue, Coral
Asclepias, Odontomena
Jacobinia, Pentas

Ruellia, Chorisia
Podranea, Bauhinia
Ruellia elegans, Tecoma
Jasminum illicifolium, Campsis

Periwinkle, Plumbago
Tibouchina granulosa, Jatropha
Thevetia, Tabernaemontana
Barleria, Turnera

Bloom Day is held on the 15th of every month and hosted by May Dreams Gardens.


  1. My goodness.. what a wonderful collection of blooms... love the bromeliads! L

  2. I'm always amazed that you seem to have a brom in bloom every month of the year. I need to increase my collection! I also noticed that ceiba bloom! (Or maybe it isn't, as the leaves look different from my floss-silk tree and actually the bloom looks a little different too. What variety is that?) I can't wait to see blooms on my floss-silk tree, which always occurs sometime late in October and throughout November. It is perhaps the most beautiful bloom on earth to me!

  3. Wow! That's a LOT of blooms. The top 3 really stands out.

  4. Wow there are a good mix of flowers in yr garden, beautiful with fascinating colours!

  5. Nice's so interesting seeing what plants other's mostly mums and asters up here :-)

  6. Floridagirl: The floss silk tree is C. speciosa (the common species). The flower colors and patterns vary from tree to tree, so yours could be different. I also have a hybrid one with yellow flowers!

  7. I am amazed at your familiarity with all of them. Most of your flowers are with us too, others are in the wild and most in the gardens, but i am most captivated with your photography. They are really beautiful and artistic. thank you. Your site is a very big resource for us. I am ashamed because i am a horticulturist (Postharvest Physiology-though not practicing), but i don't know most of their names, and some forgotten. I should have known this site early on. If you did not sign in my follower corner, i will not be able to find this, a treasure! thanks.
