
Monday, November 15, 2010

Bloom Day - November 2010

This month the Bloom Day photos are in the order that I took them as I circled the garden.  To see what's blooming today in gardens everywhere, visit May Dreams Gardens.  Click on highlighted links below to see a complete profile and additional photos of that plant.

Cestrum aurantiacum, Coral Porterweed
Bougainvillea 'Afterglow", Caesalpinia mexicana
Ruellia, Crinum
Knock-Out Rose, Clerodendrum speciosissimum

Dendrobium, Pentas
Periwinkle, Malvaviscus
Tecomaria, Pomegranate

Gold Shrimp, Shining Jasmine
Jacobinia, Dendrobium
Oncidium, Plumbago
Ceiba, Jatropha

Thanks for stopping by!  Check in again next month for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, held on the 15th of every month.


  1. Lots of fabulous colour, Jim. The colour of that Bougainvillea 'Afterglow' is terrific ... and so is the colour of that deep dark pink Pentas. My pink Jacobinia is quite a bit darker than yours ... I rather like your pale pink. Your orchids is simply splendid too ... thanks for sharing all these great blooms.

  2. Lovely photos, and some fascinating info.

  3. Some great flowers here. Glad i found your blog....

  4. You have beautiful flowers in your garden.Happy Blooms Day!

  5. What a nice collage and selection of blooms. Happy GBBD.

  6. What a beautiful portfolio of pictures. I see that we do have a few plants in common, though I garden in zone 8b, and I have to admit yours look much better.

  7. Ooh, would I love to take a walk around your garden! You have an amazing variety of specimens.

  8. You've always got so many pretty flowers blooming in your garden. I'm getting a few more flowers on my senna plant, but the butterflies are still hanging around. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
