
Friday, February 18, 2011

Billbergia manarae

Billbergia manarae is one of the many Billbergias that bloom en masse at various times during the year. These types all flower simultaneously, providing a spectacular show of color. The vivid pinkish-red bracts emerge first, then open to reveal the yellow-green tubular flowers, tipped with blue.
This species will flower anytime from early winter to late spring. When planted in groups, there may be three or four waves of bloom over the course of the flowering season. Each flowering cycle will show good color for about three to four weeks.
The foliage of Billbergia manarae is solid green, and grows to a height of 12 inches. Mine grow in about half a day's sun. They are also fairly cold tolerant. Several nights of 26°F temperatures, and no protection, left only a few damaged spots on the leaves.


  1. What a beauty! Thank you for all the pictures and information you share here.


  2. What a fantastic flower this is--obviously, not something we can grow here, however. It made me feel a little bit warmer, looking at this post and these brilliant flowers.

  3. Great information as always, Grower Jim. I don't have this Billbergia that grows upright.

    The long drooping bracts drape out and hang down from the foliage on the ones I have . They are full of buds right now.

  4. She is a beauty and wish I could grow her up here in NJ. A nice escape this time of year for us Northerners.

  5. It is a real beauty. I have similar Bill, but its leaves are thin and grass like. The flowers are similar to yours.

  6. I have these plants too. When we bought this home 8 years ago there was a bed full of these plants in bloom. I had not tried growing bromiliads in the ground before, I thought the climate was too cold here. But we must have a micro-climate in the backyard because they really do well. I have since planted a few more varieties.

    Love you blog Jim. Your photos are wonderful as well as your detailed information.

  7. Love the colour. Thanks for the information. I'll have to keep a lookout for it here.

  8. Very beautiful blooms! loved the color

  9. such an unusual plant and gorgeous color...wish we could grow that here in the NE but certainly we can enjoy it through your wonderful gardens...makes me feel like I need a tropical vacation soon...

  10. oh these are beautiful esp when viewed singly or not in groups. Are they included in bromeliads?

  11. These are sooooo beautiful!
