
Monday, February 7, 2011

Harvest Monday - February 2011

Here is what I'm harvesting this week.
First Row:  Marsh Grapefruit, Ruby Red Grapefruit, Navel Orange, Sweet Lemon, Meyer Lemon.
Second Row:  Minneola Tangelo, Orlando Tangelo, Tangerine, Mandarin.
Third Row:  Persian Lime, Key Lime, Lakeland Limequat, Kumquat, Calamondin, Starfruit, Glycosmis, Arrowroot, Pineapple.

I've been digging the Arrowroot throughout the winter as needed.  The pineapple top is showing some frost damage but the fruit is still good.
To see what other gardeners are harvesting today, visit Daphne's Dandelions.


  1. Wow Jim,
    The first row is an excess dose of Vit C. Congratulations on your harvest.

  2. Jim my mouth is watering just looking at these wonderful tropical fruits...

  3. That is some beautiful tropical fruits! How many plants/trees of each variety do you have and how big is your growing area?

  4. Looks like a party could be had with all that wonderful fruit! Have fun!!!

  5. kitsapFG: I have an acre, minus the house, greenhouse, and barn/workshop. I have one tree each of most of the citrus, several sweet lemon and mandarin, five starfruit trees, and pineapples planted everywhere!

  6. Wow! I can't even begin to imagine harvesting these types of foods from my own plants! Beautiful harvest!

  7. How I wish I had fresh pineapple. Yum.

  8. HAHA! Love what Compost in my shoe said. It DOES look like a party! Everybody- CONGO!

  9. Oh lucky you!! All that fruit looks absolutely yummy!!

  10. I'm in Northern California. Are these fruits normal for your area/zone. I'm pretty sure I'm in zone 9b, too. I grow oranges, lemons, limes, and you think I could grow starfruit and pineapple? What a great challenge!

  11. Lynda: You can definitely grow pineapples, and you should be able to grow starfruit too. The starfruit is not commonly grown in my area, but does very well, even with some dieback during severe winters. We usually get into the upper 20s a few times each winter. Everybody here grows citrus.

  12. Jim, your harvest is awesome, as usual. I don't know what to say!!! Always inspiring to keep on plugging away...maybe one day I too will enjoy such a lovely harvest!

  13. Hi Jim, i haven't been here for awhile. The colors of your citrus are so beautiful, do you know that our citrus don't change color that much? That is because colors appear clearly in cold weather, which we dont have. I wonder how sweet your pineapple is!
