
Monday, March 7, 2011

Harvest Monday - March 2011

This year I've been selling more of my excess fruit.  This is a shot of my sales table at the Sanford Farm Swap Meet.  In the photo you can see Marsh Grapefruit, Ruby Red Grapefruit, Orlando Tangelo, Honeybells, Navel Oranges, Mandarins, Valencia Oranges, Sweet Lemon, Meyer Lemon, and Starfruit.

I'm also harvesting Kumquats, Calamondins, Arrowroot, and some late Persian Limes.

In the herb garden, I've got Mint, Basil, Parsley, Cilantro, Culantro, Lemon Balm, Greek Oregano, and Cuban Oregano.  I harvest these at dinnertime so they go directly into whatever I'm cooking.

To see what other gardeners are harvesting today, visit Daphne's Dandelions!


  1. What a nice selection of fruits you grow! I imagine the market is not only a good way to recoup some funds, but is probably a pleasant way to spend some time - visiting with the other vendors and the customers.

  2. I love your Monday posts: I keep saying: wow! I wonder if I can grow that, too! So far I'm thinking some starfruit and some honeybells and more lemons.

  3. I hope that gives you a good boost in the wallet and in customers. It's great to see you able to get them to market. Do you sell your herbs there, too?

  4. I didn't realize that you had such a variety of fruit! It looks wonderful. Hope you had a successful day at the Swap Meet!

  5. I love honeybells. They taste so good. I have a couple in my fridge right now as my MIL ships me some each year (bought not grown by her). I finally saw them last year in the supermarket. I'd never seen them sold up here in the North before, but I'm happy they made their way up here.

  6. Twój ogród musi być duży, jeśli nadmiar owoców mozesz sprzedać. Ja mam zaledwie 300 m kwadratowych ogródka, ale bywa tak,że nadmiarem owoców obdarowuje znajomych. Pozdrawiam

  7. Wow, you have a lot to sell again there and very colorful. In our case with only one citrus variety, my sister told me on the phone "it looks like i have a tree of gold, because i just harvest endlessly". Now, it's finished. We only have 6 trees and got a lot.

  8. Barbie: The Farm Swap is great. I do sell potted herbs there, along with vegetable plants and fruit trees. It's fun and profitable too!

  9. WOW! Do you also have chicasaw plums? I havent had any in more than 25 years and have longed to taste some since. I live in Chicago and we would never get them here. I would pay to have some shipped!
