
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bloom Day - May 2011

Here's what's blooming in my garden today. Click on any of the links for the plant profile and more photos.

Jatropha integerrima, Shining Jasmine
Shrimp plant, Plumbago
Spiderwort, Bush Daisy
Bauhinia galpinii, Russelia

Cestrum aurantiacum, Justicia
Blue Porterwed, Coral Porterweed
Thevetia, Turnera
Pentas, Beautyberry

Four O'clock, Spathiphyllum
Gold Shrimp, Tecoma
Tipuana, Malvaviscus
Sambac Jasmine, Costus barbatus

Allamanda nerifolia, Brugmansia
Neoregelia, Ascocentrum curvifolium
Setcreasea, Bulbine
Kalanchoe, Cereus peruvianus

To see what is blooming in gardens around the world today, visit May Dreams Gardens, host of the Garden Blogger's Bloom Day.


  1. You have enough blooming for a month of 'bloom days'. Lovely post. Thank you.

  2. Nice 'flowering' post. Not familiar with many except plumbago.

  3. Wow, I can't believe how much is blooming in your garden right now! Lovely.

  4. Such a lot in bloom. Your garden must be looking fantastic. I have many of the same plants but being Autumn here, not many are in flower at the moment.

  5. So many blooms and so lovely! That Russelia is very pretty and very interesting. Happy GBBD Day!

  6. I looked to your blooms first and thought... "we're not in Kansas Dorothy!" It's fun to see all the beautiful things that grow throughout our nation... your blooms are very lovely and exciting to see! L
