
Friday, July 15, 2011

Bloom Day - July 2011

A few summer rains have finally arrived, and the plants that were clinging to life have burst into bloom. Here's a sampling of what's looking good today. Click on the highlighted names for more photos and a complete plant profile.

Neoregelia Sheba, Neo. Lila
Neo. Debbie, Neo. Franca
Aechmea fasciata, Neomea Popcorn

Neomarica gracilis, N. longifolia
Periwinkle, Turnera
Pink & White Plumerias
Cosmos, Thevetia

Costus barbatus, C. scaber
Zingiber zerumbet, Clerodendrum ugandense
C. speciosissimum, C. paniculatum
Red Pagoda Hibiscus, Malvaviscus

Shrimp plant, Gold Shrimp
Ixora, Crossandra
Jasminum nitidum, J. sambac
Aloe zebrina, Sabal palmetto

Tabernaemontana single & double
Ruellia elegans, Pentas
Duranta, Cestrum aurantiacum
Brugmansia, Lantana

Plumbago, Spiderwort
Porterweed, Bauhinia galpinii
Russelia, Jatropha
Justicia, Beautyberry
Wedelia, Bush Daisy

To see what's blooming in gardens all over the world today, visit May Dreams Gardens, host of Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.


  1. Wow Jim! Thats an Awesome showing! Love your blooms.
    Happy GBBD :)

  2. Always enjoy seeing the intense colors found on your bromeliads - what incredible color. Happy GBBD!

  3. We grow so many of the same plants just with the seasons reversed. My frangipani are bear branches at the moment. Nice to be reminded of Summer.

  4. What a collection!! I especially love the bromeliads although I haven't grown one in years. Larry

  5. Great to see the wealth of flowers you are growing. I really must update my blog with the flowers I've been photographing this week.
