
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mother Nature's Artistry

Passionflowers have some of the most ornate blooms that can be found. There are many species and hybrids, all with intricate details in the flower.
Mother Nature's Artistry is featured on this blog on the last day of every month. Check back again next month to see what Mother Nature has been up to!


  1. Matka natura wiedziała jak nas uszczęśliwić. Dała nam piękne kwiaty. Pozdrawiam

  2. Passion flowers are one of my very favorite flowers. I have two kinds, one is small and a light purple, and the other is larger, has a wonderful scent and fantastic blue/purple coloring. Someone told me they thought it was 'incense' but I've looked it up and am not quite sure that that is what it is.

    Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady
