
Monday, October 3, 2011

Harvest Monday - October 2011

The past few days have finally given us a break from the 90° temps we've been experiencing since early spring. It sure does feel good!
Here's what's in the fruit basket this week(click on the links for a full plant profile & more photos):
From upper left: Persian lime, Key lime, Glycosmis, Maypop, Starfruit, and Sweet lemon. I'm also getting a few Jaboticaba here and there.
Harvest Monday is featured on this blog on the first Monday of every month. To see what other gardeners are enjoying today, visit Daphne's Dandelions, host blog of the Harvest Monday meme.


  1. Loads of lovely tropical fruit. I have some papayas and passion fruit coming up.

  2. You always have the most exotic harvests of all those posted on Daphne's Dandelions Harvest Mondays! Everything looks tempting and delicious.

  3. Yummy! My citrus is dribbling in slowly. Waiting for grapefruit now!

  4. What fabulous fruit! I hadn't heard of Glycosmis pentaphylla before despite you saying its native to Australia - I knew we had finger limes but this one is new to me. Thanks for sharing it.
