
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Aechmea recurvata

Aechmea recurvata is a relatively small-growing bromeliad that can be enjoyed by even windowsill growers. The mature plant only reaches a height and spread of about 8 inches. Flowering occurs in early to mid-winter and remains colorful for about a month. The vivid blue flowers emerge from an erect hot pink inflorescence.
Mine are growing with some afternoon sun, but they can probably take more. During the winter, plants survive brief periods of 25°F without damage.
There are several different cultivars of this species.


  1. That's a fabulous bloom. The blue is just gorgeous.

  2. Hello Grower Jim, I'm in Orlando as well :-) New to blogging, I am looking for garden bloggers in Florida and so found your blog. I enjoyed looking through your posts and pictures. And if you don't mind, I will add your blog to my blogroll list :-)
    Happy Gardening,

  3. I love it! The color contrast is amazing.


  4. what a beauty !

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