
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Neoregelia 'Yellow Devil'

Neoregelia 'Yellow Devil' is a very colorful bromeliad variety. If you give it some sun, the plant rewards you with shades of yellow, orange, pink and red. The plants shown here were all grown in full afternoon sun. More of the reddish coloration develops as the plant reaches maturity and starts to bloom.
It grows to be a fairly large plant. In a 6-inch pot the plants get about 2 feet across, but in the ground they'll get even larger. The undersides of the leaves show nice red striations.
Consider viewing it from below by mounting in a tree or growing in a hanging basket.  And when the sun shines through the leaves...

Neoregelia 'Yellow Devil' tolerates brief temperatures as low as 26°F without any damage.


  1. I love that plant I need something in front of my day lilies. The day lilies are in front of the roses. I have really had a hard time this year. I always plant periwrikles. Could not find what I wanted so I planted vinca, almost all of them died. If you have time visit my blog. I would like your input.
