
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Aechmea organensis

Aechmea organensis is a compact-growing species suitable for small places. The plant reaches an overall height and spread of about 8 inches.
Blooming usually occurs in winter, when a red spike with intense blue flowers rises above the foliage. The inflorescence arches away from the center of the plant. The flowering only lasts for a couple of weeks, but the red spike will last a while longer.
Even when not in bloom, the plant is attractive, with distinctly purple leaf bases and tips.
There are other cultivars of this species available that grow larger or smaller, or have pink sepals.


  1. If that doesn't invite a pollinating insect, I don't know what will. Have you grown the Vanilla orchid? I am working on a book about Charles Greville and the blooming of this orchid in 1806. I love your warm photos. It was 28 degrees here this morning...

  2. Sara, I haven't grown vanilla, but I have grown many other species of orchids. Good luck with the book, it sounds very interesting!

  3. Very pretty flower... first time to see it...
