
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Billbergia Foster's Striate

Billbergia 'Foster's Striate' is a very reliable landscape bromeliad that has two to three bloom periods per year.  The flower spike arches and the blooms are held just above the foliage. The yellow and green striped leaves add a splash of color to shady areas, although they will tolerate a considerable amount of sun.
Here is a plant that gets full sun for about half of the day, intensifying the yellow tones in the foliage.
There is also an all-yellow leafed form of this plant named Gloria.
Buy Billbergia Foster's Striate offsets


  1. Those are REALLY COOL!!! Love your blog - check out sometime! THANKS!

  2. I have several of these, and about half of them definitely survived those low 20's temps this year. I can't wait til mine bloom again!

  3. wow never saw a a green and yellow striped bromeliada. Very lovely.
