
Monday, February 15, 2010

Florida Bloom Day - 26 varieties!

Blooms are popping out all over.  Today there are 26 varieties in bloom!
1st row:  Dianthus, Oncidium Gower Ramsey
2nd row: Malvaviscus, Shrimp plant
3rd row: Formosa Azalea, Impatiens
4th row:  Camellia japonica, Knock-Out Rose

                                  1st row:  Cestrum aurantiacum, Surinam Cherry
                                  2nd row:  Tecomaria capensis, Peach
                                  3rd row:  Oxalis, Jacobinia
                                  4th row:  Petunia, Loropetalum

Bletilla striata (Ground Orchid)

And then we have some bromeliads!


  1. Beautiful bloomings! You have lots of varieties. Especially love those Bromeliads, gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Lots of pretties at your place this February Bloom Day. The bromeliads are lovely. I hope Spring is edging this way, and soon.

  3. So many, many colorful blooms! I have a few of the same in bloom right now, but I have to say my impatiens were knocked back by the freeze. I think they'll come back in spring. I would love to know where you got your bletilla. I've never seen one in a local nursery. I'd love to find some as they seem to be more cold-hardy than the spathoglottis.

  4. aloha jim,

    wow, what a great show your getting this morning, beautiful tropicals, i guess things survived from the frost in florida?

  5. You've got a great February collection going, even for zone 9b. I've had a mystery bromeliad blooming for the last month, a pass-along plant that came without a label, and there I find it labeled in your post as Aechmea gamosepala. Great! Thanks for the plant ID!

  6. This time of year is great isn't it! Here in Arizona it's bloomin' like crazy as well. My hibiscus and bottle brush are going crazy! I need to fertilze my citrus post haste! Cheers to Spring!

  7. Jim, your blooms are wonderful! Great show! I'm not having as much luck. My ground orchids are taking a break after the cold. My faithful Ti plants look horrible...lost most of their leaves. Same story with my pretty crotons. The good news is that the citrus is in bloom as is the Carolina Yellow Jasmine, the star Jasmine, moss rose and Pentas. A few of my cannas are getting ready to bloom also. Oh...and the kalanchoe and blanket flower still look nice. That's about it. So your collection puts a smile on my face!!!

  8. Your beautiful flowers are making me dream of a tropical vacation!

  9. WOW! I think you win Bloom Day! I haven't seen so many blooms in one post since, well, ever! Happy GBBD!

  10. WOW Jim, you've got lots of great blooms happening in your yard. They make for a cheery walk around your garden. Thanks for sharing them.

  11. Your blooms are amazing, Jim...just beautiful! How lovely to see these on a day when we still have snow on the ground!
