
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bloom Day - June 2011

In spite of our severe drought, lots of plants are trying to bloom. Here's a sampling of what's picture-worthy this month. Click on the links for more photos and information about each plant.

Nidularium leprosa, Billbergia 'Windii'
Portea petropolitana, Quesnelia arvensis
Aechmea fasciata, Neomea 'Popcorn'

Russelia, Plumbago
Bush Daisy, Bauhinia
Spiderwort, Tabernaemontana
Cestrum, Duranta

Hamelia, Costus barbatus
Elderberry, Coral Porterweed
Crinum, Cereus
Quisqualis, Maypop

Jatropha, Shrimp plant
Thevetia, Blue porterweed
Cosmos, Turnera
Knock-out Rose, Brugmansia

Pentas, Justicia
Brunfelsia, Tecoma
Sambac Jasmine, Ruellia elegans
Allamanda, Gold Shrimp

When you're done browsing in my garden, visit May Dreams Gardens for blooms from around the world.


  1. Your bromeliads are breath taking! The porterweed is a wild plant here.

  2. Wow, what a wonderful collection of blooms... thank you, Larry

  3. Love the arrangement of your photos! All the blooms are so lovely! Happy GBBD!

  4. The mosaic is just really a good showcase for 'plants for sale', haha!

  5. I only grow a couple of things you have posted today but I'd sure like to grow more. Thanks for inviting me into your garden.

  6. Great post. Wow! A lot in bloom in your garden. Happy GBBD!

  7. You always have such an amazing assortment of color. Really like all the bromeliads. Happy GGBD!

  8. Guess the drought is activating your plants' survival instincts, so they bloom! You've got a great variety growing there.I love the gold shrimp.
